For the past few years my life has revolved around counting the days. The days since I stopped taking birth control, the days since my last period, the days until my next, the days since Oliver died, the days since the miscarriage. And while I still have a running tally of those things in the back of my mind, it's not how I mark the passage of time any more. I still miss Oliver like crazy, and I sometimes have the passing thought that the baby I miscarried would be so many months old now, but for the most part, I'm counting forward.
Days until Allen's 30th birthday: 386
Days until we start our adoption paperwork: 85
Days until I can quit my job: 207
Number of Mandarin classes I have left: 5
Number of days I go to the gym per week: 2 (need to work on that one)
Number of days until I bid farewell to the fertility clinic: 0
There are lots of other day counters that I'm not putting in, lest you think my life revolves around infertility. Some days it does, but more often, it doesn't. I'm working on it. I imagine it will be a lot easier when we bring our first child home. I don't have a day counter for that soon, but I expect to soon.
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