It feels like our lives have been on fast forward lately. I mean, it always feels like we are relatively busy, but this past month has been serious overdrive. We've had so many things on our plates that it has felt like I can't even catch my breath.
When I get super stressed out, I go in to lockdown mode. It's kind of like sensory overload. Too many things attacking at once, and so I retreat. When I was younger, retreat meant dropping the ball. But now that I'm older (and hopefully wiser), retreat means prioritizing and letting Allen take over some tasks. I have a tendency to be a bit of a control freak and I have to remind myself that not only is Allen capable of helping, he also wants to help. I'm incredibly lucky that way - I know not all husbands are like that.
So that's what I've been doing - asking Allen to take over some things, reminding myself to take a moment each day to just breathe, and finishing up tasks along the way. On that note, I'm happy to report that my friend's baby shower went off without a hitch - though I was not the main driving force in planning that one - and my Chinese class is over. I rocked the final, if I do say so myself.
I really enjoyed taking Chinese, but I'll be happy to have the free time back. I'm not enrolling in the second semester right now, but I do anticipate finding classes I can take with the future kids. Even (and especially) the ones not from China. Over one billion people speak (or understand) Mandarin, so in terms of increased globalization, it's an important language skill to learn. Now that I know the bare basics, I'm really looking forward to expanding that foundation with the kids some day. That day is not today, however. I'm late for the next thing as it is, so I'm off!
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