Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Nursery design.

Is tough.

That's the main take-away point of this post. We - and by "we" I mean Allen - got the second bedroom walls patched and primed. Now we have to pick out paint. But before we can pick out paint, I have to decide what I want the nursery to look like. I have never been one of those people who can find something amazing at a yard sale or antique store, or just happen to stumble across the perfect furniture or rug accessory for the space I'm decorating. I consider myself creative, but an interior designer I am not. I love simple and clean, I love small spaces, I love hidden storage. But I also tend to go overboard. I find something I like and I find myself putting it on everything. I quickly go from "simple and clean" to "cluttered and overkill". I need someone to reign me in.

Unfortunately, Allen is not that person. He has absolutely no input or ideas on decor other than "that will (will not) fit." It's not a downfall or shortcoming in any way, and I am lucky to have a husband who trusts my eye so completely (except for the time I painted my walls pink - he was not a fan). But I am struggling here, people.

I have several ideas... First is a woodsy forest theme. A wall decal of a tree maybe with some birds (owls??), some mushrooms along the baseboards, a wood grain pattern rug.

Second: a Japanese style theme. A sakura tree wall decal (I love this one), an asian fabric quilt, a koi pond rug. Or maybe a sakura rug, instead. I'm a little worried that this style could get too feminine, though.

Third: a fantasy theme. Kind of along the same lines as the woodsy theme, but add dragons.

I have to remind myself that this isn't going to be permanent. It's not like he's going to graduate from high school with the same room design as his nursery. This just has to be a room I'll enjoy being in until he's old enough to want something different, or until we move. I've almost decided, I think. Now I just have to go find that damn wood grain rug...

1 comment:

  1. or, option 4, keep it super simple and easy for your and Allen because the kids don't care a whole lot anyway when they're really young and you'll want it to be as easy to prepare for moving as possible! Get the bedding and curtains in a fun pattern that's easy to replace and make the walls simple! My opinion is colored by the fact that we told our oldest that we'd let her redecorate her room as our Christmas gift to her (we got 8 years out of it, but she's wanted something different for awhile now), so now we're faced with painting over a dark pink bottom half of the wall and removing the wallpaper chair rail border. Ooh - where'd the time go! Gotta go!
