Thursday, September 29, 2011

Birthing classes.

Yesterday was our first class. We're taking a Bradley Method birthing class. I probably wouldn't have bothered with it, but the midwives recommended, and I thought it would be useful to Allen to see some videos of births and to get some pointers on how to deal with a laboring wife.

It was what I expected it to be. Discussions about birth options (hospital vs. non-hospital), some relaxation an exercise techniques, discussion about the importance of diet. This is a 12 week course, so we'll have more in-depth discussions as it gets further along, but it was a good start.


Right up until the point where she laced into us for being vegan. She asked us the age old "Where do you get your protein?" This question is tiresome. I started to respond with the standards - tofu, legumes - she cut me off and asked what whole food sources. She was extremely a little bit snotty when she said tofu was not a whole food. Saying tofu is not a whole food is like saying your dinner is processed because you cooked it. Or that cheese is a processed food. Cheese was high on her list of viable whole foods protein sources, by the way.

Since I was put on the spot and felt a lot little attacked, I didn't have a good comeback, but seriously? I am tired of this. I am not protein deficient. I did a lot of research on this diet before I started it, and I would not being continuing this diet if I thought it was harmful to my baby in some way. Or if any blood work or ultrasounds showed any kind of dietary concern. Which they haven't.

The "vegetarians don't get enough protein" thing is a myth. A MYTH. We get protein from all sources. Every food has protein in it to varying degrees. People who aren't vegan think that only dairy and meat have protein, but it's just not true. Dairy and meat are almost exclusively protein and fat, but vegetable and grain sources have protein too. They also have carbs and fats and such, so they aren't exclusively protein. But we do eat foods that are high in protein - legumes, nuts, tofu, tempeh, wheat gluten, quinoa, This list goes on. Not to mention that our vegan diet is way healthier than any omnivore who eats out 4+ times a week. And p.s. lady, your double cheeseburger from Five Guys isn't a "whole food" source of protein. (N.B. When I say "food", I'm talking about whole foods you buy at the grocery store, not fast food or any other kind of processed food.)

Needless to say, I am irked. I'm tired of being attacked because I don't buy in to the American diet. And I'm tired of people second-guessing me and trying to scare/shame me with outright lies about nutrition. I'm not an idiot. I can read. I understand what I need to be healthy, and what my body needs to produce a healthy, appropriately size baby. This over-emphasis on protein is ridiculous. Why don't you talk to the couple who came in eating footlong Subway sandwiches with deli meat slices about listeria and the danger to pregnant women? I didn't hear you making a fuss about that.

It's going to be a long 12 weeks. And next week is specifically the nutrition week, so I'm going to have to come in armed.

A very long 12 weeks.

1 comment:

  1. Tell her you don't want to discuss your diet with her. It's protected health information between you and your doctor, not a class discussion.
