We all know this: communication is important. Very important. Extremely important. Being able to communicate effectively solves all sorts of problems, many before they even arise. One of the cornerstones of my relationship with Allen (and with anyone else I'm close to) is open and honest communication.
This is when you realize I'm about to rant about something, right?
I am... Displeased. With the communication from my midwives. I understand they are busy. They are two midwives running a practice with a brand new birthing center and 15 births per month. But seriously? I have not had a single phone call or email returned to me yet. Not one. And I. Am. Over it. The records my OB's office sent were missing important blood work. So I called to have it faxed over. Got no word from the midwives if they received it or not. Not even after I called them about it. Twice. And not after the email I sent either. Oh, and the first email address bounced as non-existent.
Same goes for the note I need to get admin leave at work so I can get up from my desk and move around or stretch or otherwise not have to sit stationary at a computer for 10 freaking hours a day. Two calls, 1 email, nothing. These women come off as caring and warm and genuinely concerned about my welfare. "Call us day or night if you need anything!", they gush at me. If I can't get them to return a phone call about whether or not they got blood work, how on earth can I expect them to return my phone calls when I'm in freaking labor?! I realize that some of this is over-reaction. My hormones are off-kilter because I'm pregnant. I get it. But they should be better about communicating with their patients if they expect to keep them, bottom line. I'm sending one more email and if they can't get it together, I'm going back to my OB. At least they return my %$#^%$ phone calls.
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