Friday, November 4, 2011

The first cold.

It's official. I am sick. At first I thought it might be allergies, but no such luck. I have a full on horrific cold. If I ever find the outbreak monkey who gave me this wretched virus I will do them bodily harm.

I called the midwives to ask about cold remedies and got this as an answer:

"If you treat a cold it lasts 7 days. If you do nothing, it lasts a week."

Two days down, five to go. And I plan on whining through each and every one of them. I am miserable! Runny nose, crazy sneezing fits, watering eye - just one, mind you. My left eye. I've been walking around the house looking like Popeye for the last two days. And trying to knit with one eye open and one shut is no fun. It seriously messes with your depth perception. Adding to the fun, apparently pregnant women tend to have more swollen nasal passages so I can look forward to more mucus and sneezing than a not pregnant person. Fabulous.

Someone, please, make it end! I'll be waiting on the couch with tea and tissues.

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