Thursday, January 12, 2012


I'm starting to feel the nesting urge. I think it's technically a bit early - I still have over five weeks left in my pregnancy. So I think it's a combo of nesting and neat-freak-ness. I've been a little out of sorts about the house in the last few months. I feel like it's always a mess and I can never get on top of all the cleaning that needs to be done. When I was working full time, this was understandable, but when I quit my job, I felt like I should be able to at least keep the house clean. That's been partially true. The kitchen is messy but never destroyed anymore. The laundry is done and folded and put away, but we still seem to accumulate junk on flat surfaces and there are several big projects that need doing that are languishing. The whole house needs a good dusting, for example. The bathroom needs a good scrub - like with bleach and Comet and a toothbrush in the shower kind of scrub. The refrigerator needs a good clean out. The attic needs re-arranging, as do our closets and bookshelves.

See what I mean? There is a lot to do. And don't even get me started on the furniture we still need to get rid of and the other furniture we need to buy... And to top it all off, my baby shower is happening this weekend. At my house. So it has to be sparkling. (I know my friends don't care - but I care.)

I did have the realization that at eight and a half months pregnant, some things are out of my reach. I probably shouldn't be on all fours scrubbing the shower with harsh chemicals in a small enclosed space. I can't truck up and down our rickety attic stairs. If I pick a project, I can reasonably get it done in a day or two, but I need to give myself a break and not push so hard. Things that used to take me an hour now take four and leave me winded and needing a break every hour. Plus, pregnancy brain is a real thing! Sometimes I forget what I'm doing in the middle of doing it!

So, today: clean refrigerator and hall closet. Put shoes away. Take lots of breaks. I'd like to go to the gym, too, but I just don't have time. How did that happen?! (Well, I clearly don't prioritize it high enough, but still!)

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