We sent off for our DMV driving records from Virginia and South Carolina last week, and, shockingly, we got them both in by Saturday. South Carolina is silly about it though. If you want to order your records online, you have to know your drive's license number, the address on the face of the driver's license , and the date the license was issued. After I tracked down my license number (no easy feat in itself, given that I traded it in for a VA license almost four years ago), I called to see if they would tell me the rest of the information. Turns out they can't because it's a privacy issue. Granted, they don't ask you to prove who you are, so I guess it's a good thing that they don't give out your info to the first person that calls with your DL number, but it seems like they could just ask for some other identifying info. On the other hand, they will let you guess and tell you if you are correct. I "guessed" the address fairly quickly - it could only be one of two - but the issue date was a bit harder. Luckily I have a good memory and vaguely remembered going to the DMV after I bought my townhouse in Clemson. I guessed a month and year, which were both correct, but I needed the day, too. I guessed late in the month. "Higher," she said. "The 28th?". "Higher." "The 30th?" "Correct." That seems like half-assed "security" to me, but hey, I'm not complaining. It was faster than filling out a form and mailing it in.
So, now we have our driving records and employment verification letters in hand. We just have to print out our tax return and sworn disclosure statement tonight, and I need to write up our evacuation plan. (As one friend hilariously put it: "Evacuation plan? How about 'run out the door'?") Everything will go in the mail tomorrow. I want to tell you that then, finally, we'll be done, but my experience has been that every time I say that, something new crops up. So I'm just keeping my mouth shut about it. I'm sure I'll have a story about something else we need next week. ::Sigh:: I know we are thisclose to being done and well on our way to our first baby, but man, oh man is this paperwork frustrating.
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