I got nothin', guys.
Still waiting to hear from Barker about our CPS clearances. How long can it possibly take to look us up and say, "Nope. Not child abusers!"? I know I should get used to this. This is what adoption is. Waiting, waiting and more waiting. It's hard to be patient. I've already been patient for two years.
I think another reason that I'm so antsy is that I've tied having a child with getting to quit my job. It makes me completely miserable and I am literally counting the minutes until I can walk away from it. This sounds incredibly selfish, and it is, but there you have it. I really can't wait to be a housewife, and I almost feel like Barker is holding me up. I could really quit any time, but I feel like I should contribute as much income to the family as possible while I can. Still have those student loans to pay off, after all.
I think I need to set myself a separation date from work that is not tied to adoption in any way. Maybe then I won't feel so anxious about them both at the same time. But man, the waiting is tough! I just want my baby home! Is that really so much to ask?
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