Having said all that, there is just *way* too much adorable baby stuff out there to ignore. I'm not buying any of it. Yet. I'm cataloging. I'm putting it here so I don't forget about it later when it's relevant for us to be buying and decorating and planning. And also, it's super cute! Did I mention that part?
Winnie the Pooh and Christoper Robin as Chewbacca and Han Solo?! Adorable! And you can get the prints on onesies! James Hance (the artist) has re-imagined some of the best pop culture. Brilliantly, I think.
I am in love with forest-themed vinyl wall decals. L-O-V-E. (The one above is from Etsy, and I particularly love the pink blossoms...) I am currently in the process of locating (and tagging for future reference) trees, mushrooms and owls for our future nursery. I just have to figure out what color to paint the walls...
I am obsessed with this diaper bag by Petunia Pickle Bottom: Cake Society Satchel diaper bag with fold out changing pad!
I have an entire page of links for baby stuff I find too cute for words, but I guess I'll start slow so as to not scare anyone with the amount of time I spend looking at adorable baby stuff. More - lots and lots more - to come!
Aaaaannnnd. This is where I stop reading the blog....