Thursday, December 1, 2011

28 weeks.

Things I l earned at my 28 week check-up:

1. If you hit a vein just right when taking blood, it will spray blood all over your white sweater.

2. Midwives are excellent at getting blood out of things, particularly white sweaters. (The key is peroxide.)

3. I gained 20 pounds in the first six months of pregnancy. I gained 10 more in the last month. I am displeased. I blame Thanksgiving.

4. Midwives have no magic cure or salve or potion or spell to prevent stretch marks. They are just the price of admission to pregnancy. Sure, some women escape without them, but I, sadly, am not one of them. Body butter, olive oil and the like will help your skin feel soft and smooth, and helps prevent the itching associated with dry and stretching skin, but it doesn't prevent stretch  marks, either. It's all about age and genetics. I appear to have gotten the short end of the stick in both categories. Which I protest mightily, given that my mother claims to have gotten no stretch marks. (Gray hair is also delayed or non-existent in the women on my Mom's side, but that didn't stop my first one from popping up around age 31... Again, I protest!!)

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