Thursday, February 9, 2012

I totally freaking did it!

Well, kind of... I don't want to jinx myself by being congratulatory too early, but I'm pretty proud of my accomplishment.

I am 39 weeks pregnant, and I have gained 37 pounds.

Okay, so it doesn't sound all that great typed out like that, but seriously guys, you have no idea how huge this is for me. I was already pretty overweight when I got pregnant. And I was terrified that I would be one of those women who gains 75 pounds during her pregnancy. I know women who have done that, and while most of them seemed to bounce back okay, I just didn't want to go there. I already have some significant non-baby weight to lose, and I didn't want to compound the problem. Not to mention possible complications and the general unpleasantness that comes from being super pregnant and obese.

My main goals were to gain weight at a healthy, reasonable pace and to gain a healthy, reasonable amount. Generally speaking, women should gain around 25-35 pounds during pregnancy (give or take). On the higher end if you start out underweight, on the lower end if you start out overweight. The midwives all said to gain around 30-35, and I am really proud of myself for gaining the "right" amount and not getting crazy out of control.

Food and I are very good friends, you see. And I have been eating everything in sight for the past nine months. But I tried really hard to be reasonable with portion sizes, lay off carbs and sugar and eat really varied and healthy foods. And I totally freaking did it, you guys! Woo!

(Well, the carbs get away from me sometimes...)

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