Monday, February 6, 2012

Neglect and nesting.

So, hi! It's been a few weeks, huh? Now that I am super pregnant - or late-stage pregnant if you want to get technical - I am in full on nesting mode. Clean all the things! Sadly, the blog has taken a back seat to finishing up all the things that need to get finished before Butterbean's debut.

The good news? The nursery is finally clean! We still don't have a crib, but hey, it's at least starting to look like a nursery. (Plus, he doesn't really need a crib for a few months anyway, so we have time.) All the baby clothes are washed and put away (that kid has more clothes than me and Allen combined, by the way...), the diaper changing station is ready to go, the bassinet is set up, the rockers and bouncers and swings are set up, and the car seat is installed! I know! It's kind of amazing! I'm starting to feel like we're almost prepared if I go into labor now. We're even starting to stock up on labor food and make plans for visits and such.

The thing is, I'm feeling a little unsure about the end of the pregnancy. On the one hand, it will be nice to see my feet again (and have them not be swollen all the freaking time), but on the other hand, I love being pregnant. I'm a tad, dare I say, trepidatious about meeting our little guy. I know how to be pregnant. I know how to take care of myself and the Bean, how to eat healthy, how to exist in this swollen body. But I know absolutely nothing about being a parent. I have been pregnant since late last May, so in many ways, it feels like this is just my new state of being - that I will be like this forever, with the huge belly and the kicks and being hungry all the time. But the reality is that in a few short weeks - two of them, give or take - I will no longer be pregnant and Allen and I will be actual, factual parents. It's a little terrifying.

Also, I'm not really looking forward to labor.

I'm getting more excited to meet little guy every day, but I'm still feeling not-quite-ready. I keep thinking this will change. I've never heard a pregnant woman say at 40 weeks, "Gee, I wish I could stay pregnant a while longer." So I'm assuming I'll hit that stage, too. But I'm at 38.5 weeks right now and not quite there yet. Though, this is really just academic. If I went into labor right now, I'd be thrilled. It's not like I'd mourn that my pregnancy got cut short.

So, this post is a little rambley, but I needed to get my feet back in the blogging pool. Things will likely be sparse again once Butterbean arrives, but until then, I'll try to be a bit more regular with my posts!

1 comment:

  1. I adore you. I adore you. I adore you.
    You be where you're at. Don't project into the future. HARD I know. But rest assured, I have known you since before we could talk AND you two are naturals. I want to be your baby.
    If you need a cheerleader in the labor room......I'll don the pom poms.
